Being Honest, the key to Happiness

Being honest, not only with others but with yourself, is one of the keys to being happy. To be honest with yourself, means you will have to accept the bad and also the good. You will have to embrace your dreams and desires but also your fears. Because once you accept the truth and start being honest with it, you'll be able to grow in happiness and start chasing your desires, even despite what others may think, or the difficulties you may have to achieve your dreams.


In today's world, where societal expectations and external pressures often cloud our judgment, finding true happiness can seem like an elusive goal. However, the key to unlocking genuine happiness lies within ourselves—through the simple yet profound act of being honest. Honesty not only involves being truthful with others but also being truthful with oneself. In this blog, we will explore the transformative power of honesty, its role in embracing our desires and fears, and how it can pave the way for a happier and more fulfilling life.

The Essence of Honesty:

At the core of happiness lies the essential concept of honesty. When we talk about being honest with ourselves, we refer to the process of acknowledging both the good and the bad within us. It involves embracing our dreams and desires without judgment while also acknowledging our fears and vulnerabilities. By accepting the truth of who we are, we lay the groundwork for authentic growth and self-discovery.

The Path to Self-Realization:

Honesty serves as a bridge between our inner desires and the actions we take in the external world. By being honest with ourselves, we gain clarity about our true aspirations and ambitions. This self-realization allows us to align our actions with our genuine desires, bringing us closer to the life we truly want to lead.

Breaking Free from External Expectations:

One of the most significant challenges in being honest with ourselves is navigating the weight of external expectations. Society often imposes norms and standards that may not align with our true selves. Fear of judgment and rejection can lead us to suppress our authentic desires and dreams. However, true happiness can only be achieved when we break free from these constraints and embrace our uniqueness.

Steps to Cultivate Self-Honesty:

Being honest with oneself requires courage and commitment. Here are some steps to help cultivate self-honesty and pave the way to genuine happiness:

  • Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. Be open to exploring both your dreams and your fears without judgment.

  • Embrace Imperfections: Recognize that everyone has flaws and imperfections. Embrace them as part of your uniqueness and use them as opportunities for growth.

  • Let Go of External Validation: Release the need for validation from others. Your worth is not determined by others' opinions; it is derived from your genuine self.

  • Set Boundaries: Establish boundaries to protect your authenticity. Learn to say no to things that do not align with your values and desires.

  • Follow Your Intuition: Trust your instincts and inner guidance. Your intuition often leads you toward paths that are in harmony with your true self.


In conclusion, honesty is the foundation upon which genuine happiness is built. By being honest with ourselves, we can bridge the gap between our desires and actions, leading to a more fulfilled and purpose-driven life. Embracing the TBSE way of thinking, we free ourselves from the constraints of external expectations, allowing us to fully embrace our authentic selves. So, let us embark on this journey of self-discovery and honesty, and may it pave the way to a happier, more meaningful existence.